Cosmetic Dentistry in Cary, NC

Get The Smile That You Deserve

Let’s face it: Hardly anyone looks forward to dental work. However, people with warm, winning smiles never regret having it done. Feeling good about your smile improves your self-image, boosts your confidence and motivates you to engage with others.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Cary, NC

We offer a wide range of solutions for the issues that are holding you back.


If your teeth are stained, discolored, crooked, worn down or irregularly shaped, veneers can dramatically improve your appearance. They can even disguise gaps between teeth. Veneers are custom-made, wafer-thin shells that bond to the teeth. Our quality porcelain products are long-lasting and highly resistant to coffee, tea and even tobacco stains.

Since a small amount of enamel must be buffed from your teeth to accommodate the shells, veneers are usually permanent. The work requires at least three appointments for diagnosis, planning, tooth preparation and bonding. The preparation and bonding visits take an hour or two each. We may administer a local anesthetic before buffing your teeth. Impressions will be taken afterward. A skilled, experienced lab technician will then fabricate your veneers according to the mold of your teeth.

During the bonding visit, the veneers will be temporarily placed and evaluated for fit and color. Any desired adjustments will be made before the chemical bonding is done. Barely noticeable color variations make veneers look more realistic.


If you’re missing teeth, well-crafted synthetic implants are a more natural alternative than dentures. They are anchored to the jawbone or a metal framework to hold artificial teeth, permanent bridges or even dentures in place.

Implants require surgery and anesthesia. Antibiotics may be prescribed to ward off infection. The implants need some time to take hold as bone tissue builds up to anchor them. Metal posts are sometimes inserted in a separate procedure to connect the artificial teeth. Candidates for implants must have adequate bone density and strong immune systems. A strict oral hygiene regimen is also critical.

Invisalign® Straighteners

You can have the straight teeth and radiant smile you’ve always wanted without the hassle of metal brackets and wires.

These convenient removable aligners are designed specifically for you from an accurate 3D image of your teeth. They are trimmed according to your gumline for fit and comfort. Best of all, they’re clear and virtually invisible.

Remove the aligners when you eat, drink, brush and floss. Progress to the next set about every two weeks. We’ll want to see you every six weeks or so to make sure that your treatment is proceeding as planned. Over the course of treatment, you’ll replace anywhere from 18 to 30 aligners as your teeth gradually straighten. Invisalign® has been clinically tested and proven effective. Treatment takes nine to 15 months on average.

Teeth Whitening

Tobacco, caffeine, soy sauce, berries, red wine and other products are the natural enemies of a dazzling smile. Severe injuries and certain medications discolor teeth from the inside out, so even brushing regularly won’t help. Simply aging makes tooth enamel more susceptible to staining.

Commercial whitening toothpastes do more harm than good; their abrasive ingredients eventually wear away tooth enamel. More sophisticated whitening agents aren’t effective on all stains. Attempts to whiten pitted teeth or restorations usually have disappointing outcomes.

A handful of quality over-the-counter systems are somewhat better at temporarily removing stains, but most experts agree that professional whitening is the safest, most effective treatment. Results can last for up to five years. Call us for a consultation. You’ll be all smiles in no time.

A timeless smile can be everything!

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